
Facilitating learning, a true encounter (step 2)

At school

Facilitating learning, a true encounter (step 2)

The desire to facilitate a learning "adventure" started when I realized that learners had to take ownership of their learning to be able to truly learn. My "guidance project" with Eva went further than facilitating and you will see how...

The desire to facilitate a learning "adventure" started when I realized that learners had to take ownership of their learning to be able to truly learn. My "guidance project" with Eva went further than facilitating and you will see how. My project was to show Eva what understanding meant in her own mind. The real difficulty for me was not to share my own understanding do with fear of not being a "mediator of knowledge", I decided to define my intention: I wanted to guide Eva and for that, I had to forget about me! I consciously chose to be there with her and to listen to her only. After our first dialogue, I understood that Eva loved art and music but she didn't dare being creative and imaginative in her academic subjects.

So I decided to present a task with images and words : Magritte's rebus painting. As I moved step by step towards the presentation of the task, I suddenly felt unsettled by Eva's answer: "I don't know how to connect the words and the images". After a few seconds, her answer resonated with me and I told her that "everything was to be discovered. "At that moment, her answer echoed in my mind and in fact, "I didn't know either what her mind was about to produce, only she would. "I remember at that moment telling myself that it was important to respect wether she was ready to do it or not. She had to decide gradually if she wanted to move forward. This moment of exchanges in "zigzag", sowed with uncertainty, forced me to take some time to highlight her "evocative" mindful work. At that moment, I felt like Eva was becoming "an actress of her own meaning" when I brought her to explore her inner world with tranquility. On my side, I had to let go and accept unanswered questions. I wanted to give her the power to hold the key to knowledge. The role of "midwife", in the Socratic sense of the word, seemed to me at the heart of this meeting because I wanted Eva to give birth to her "tools of thought", without any judgment. With curiosity, we walked
