For a deeper interactive experience, I invite you to take out your pen and record some of your own thoughts.
If you need to exchange with a real person, consider dialoguing with a friend or a partner. You can also send me a message or share your thoughts with me:
I believe in experiential learning (learning by doing) so here are some questions:
If you had to share seven people who have touched you deeply and changed you in your learning journey, who would they be? And why?
How does an educator, a trainer, a leader today use emotion to enable engagement to happen?
How do you engage in your own learning?
What are your interests and what are your strengths?
What impact does interaction have on learning?
More than ever, it appears essential to grow a sustainable ecosystem of learners on site, as well as online learning: What are your thoughts on this?
How can you help an individual to engage in a successful active learning journey?
Human beings are trying to make sense of this VUCA world (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) but with all the facts we have today, where do we start as educators
trainers and leaders?
Let’s start individually by asking ourselves, why we do the job do?
What changes do we want to see?
What is in our power in this world of uncertainty, meaning: what actions can we take?
What would your principles for a new visible learning solution between yourself, team, parents, or children be?
What are your goals according to these principles?
How would you define success in life, at work and in school?
At school, what do we want to pass on to young learners in generals?
At Work, what approach do we want to implement so that individuals become learning leaders ?
How will you design content and contexts that engage learning?
How does it matter to your learners?
What if learners could engage peacefully with new habits and through what they are good at?
What about you, what brings your motivation up and down?
What is the hesitation about getting started?
How much of your work is challenging?
What do fear the most? What makes you feel valued?
On a scale from 1 to 10, how much power are you giving to the learners?
How much energy are learners giving to their learning?
How would you like to create experiences as opposed to content
oriented sessions?
What could be a collective project based on competence and appetence of the group?
How would you bring interactions together within the learning environment?
What question would you ask to enable learners to move towards action ?